Brielle Goheen


Music, Poetry, Healing

My name is Brielle Goheen. I'm a musician, poet, and co-creator of the meditation app Daily Breadth. My passion is to help people discover their true selves through the healing power of sound and meditation.

I started playing violin when I was 4 and by the age 12, I was performing full time in the summers. As with many musicians, my love of music was fostered in the church and I grew to love the liturgical rhythms. As the daughter of a pastor and theology professor, I grew up discussing matters of faith and worship, the form and meaning of liturgies, and the role of music in teaching the credal beliefs of the Christian faith. As a songwriter, these conversations led me to discover the beauty and power of language and poetry.

I believe in the power of resonance. We are created to resonate with the truth. While we will never stop resonating with the truth, we may, due to spiritual abuse/trauma or harmful experiences, stop resonating with certain traditional ways of expressing what is true. So we need to find new words, images, and metaphors to express ancient truths.

I believe God is making all things new. Making all things whole. Releasing people from unhealthy patterns and welcoming them into a place of healing. And we are invited into that work. My passion for healing stems from my own experience with ante-natal and postpartum depression during and after my second pregnancy, while my husband was also facing chronic illness. It was in this place that I discovered the power of meditation and sound healing, which freed my mind and restored me to wellness.

My journey with meditation introduced me to binaural beats and their resonant healing capabilities. As I searched for Christian meditations to use in my practice, I noticed there was a lack of creative integration of sound healing and the science of meditation in Christian apps and programs. So I created for others the thing that I wished had existed for myself, bringing together all my training and passions for music, meditation, sound, and liturgy. Daily Breadth is a unique meditation app that is a healing headphone cathedral, incorporating Christian liturgy using new and often surprising words, binaural beats, and sung Scripture, to create a powerful and meaningful experience for users.

My ultimate aim is for people to live powerfully and courageously from a knowledge of who they were created to be. For people to be free from past lies and unhealthy patterns. That those who seek wholeness will find it as they continue knocking daily on the door of the Divine.

Bradley Melle, PhD


History, Theology, Creativity

My name is Bradley Melle, and I am the co-creator of Daily Breadth, a Christian meditation app that aims to help users engage with God's creation-wide restoration project in a meaningful and personally empowering way. As an expert in the history of global Christianity, I am passionate about exploring how the God's Great Story relates to and adapts to the cultures it encounters. In today's world, mental health is on everyone's radar, Christians included. As someone who has struggled with both chronic illness and mental health challenges myself, I understand how important it is to formulate rich Christian responses and integrations that take mental fitness seriously.

I studied history at the University of Toronto and received my PhD in 2022, with a focus on the history of global Christianity. I believe that this study is particularly important for today, as we are living in the new era of post-Christendom. Christians in the western world are facing new concerns that previous generations simply did not encounter. It is becoming increasingly common today to understand people as neurobiological beings. More and more, Christians are seeing the benefit of psychology, therapy, and meditation, but they may not always know how to integrate these practices with their faith. That's where Daily Breadth comes in.

In 2018, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, which led to two years of turmoil and stress. I eventually found a treatment that worked, but the buildup of anxiety resulted in persistent panic attacks. By 2020, I was struggling with full-on agoraphobia and panic disorder. My doctor recommended meditation but as someone from a Christian background, I was initially skeptical. However, I gave it a try and was amazed at the results. I felt more regulated, calm, and relaxed, and my heart was no longer pounding as I tried to fall asleep. Simply put, meditation was bearing good fruit. I knew that this was something that could benefit other Christians as well.

At Daily Breadth, we have created a deeply Christian meditation app that takes seriously both the creation-wide restoration project of God the Creator and the psychological benefits of meditation. We believe that God is invested in the project of making all things whole, and that includes our mental health and well-being. Our app combines the power of binaural beats with the beauty of ancient Christianity and theologically rich and creative meditations. We are excited to offer a resource that can help Christians engage with God's restoration project in a way that is relevant and empowering for today's world.

Copyright © 2023 Daily Breadth. All Rights Reserved.

Brielle Goheen


Music, Poetry, Healing

My name is Brielle Goheen. I'm a musician, poet, and co-creator of the meditation app Daily Breadth. My passion is to help people discover their true selves through the healing power of sound and meditation.

I started playing violin when I was 4 and by the age 12, I was performing full time in the summers. As with many musicians, my love of music was fostered in the church and I grew to love the liturgical rhythms. As the daughter of a pastor and theology professor, I grew up discussing matters of faith and worship, the form and meaning of liturgies, and the role of music in teaching the credal beliefs of the Christian faith. As a songwriter, these conversations led me to discover the beauty and power of language and poetry.

I believe in the power of resonance. We are created to resonate with the truth. While we will never stop resonating with the truth, we may, due to spiritual abuse/trauma or harmful experiences, stop resonating with certain traditional ways of expressing what is true. So we need to find new words, images, and metaphors to express ancient truths.

I believe God is making all things new. Making all things whole. Releasing people from unhealthy patterns and welcoming them into a place of healing. And we are invited into that work. My passion for healing stems from my own experience with ante-natal and postpartum depression during and after my second pregnancy, while my husband was also facing chronic illness. It was in this place that I discovered the power of meditation and sound healing, which freed my mind and restored me to wellness.

My journey with meditation introduced me to binaural beats and their resonant healing capabilities. As I searched for Christian meditations to use in my practice, I noticed there was a lack of creative integration of sound healing and the science of meditation in Christian apps and programs. So I created for others the thing that I wished had existed for myself, bringing together all my training and passions for music, meditation, sound, and liturgy. Daily Breadth is a unique meditation app that is a healing headphone cathedral, incorporating Christian liturgy using new and often surprising words, binaural beats, and sung Scripture, to create a powerful and meaningful experience for users.

My ultimate aim is for people to live powerfully and courageously from a knowledge of who they were created to be. For people to be free from past lies and unhealthy patterns. That those who seek wholeness will find it as they continue knocking daily on the door of the Divine.

Bradley Melle, PhD


History, Theology, Creativity

My name is Bradley Melle, and I am the co-creator of Daily Breadth, a Christian meditation app that aims to help users engage with God's creation-wide restoration project in a meaningful and personally empowering way. As an expert in the history of global Christianity, I am passionate about exploring how the God's Great Story relates to and adapts to the cultures it encounters. In today's world, mental health is on everyone's radar, Christians included. As someone who has struggled with both chronic illness and mental health challenges myself, I understand how important it is to formulate rich Christian responses and integrations that take mental fitness seriously.

I studied history at the University of Toronto and received my PhD in 2022, with a focus on the history of global Christianity. I believe that this study is particularly important for today, as we are living in the new era of post-Christendom. Christians in the western world are facing new concerns that previous generations simply did not encounter. It is becoming increasingly common today to understand people as neurobiological beings. More and more, Christians are seeing the benefit of psychology, therapy, and meditation, but they may not always know how to integrate these practices with their faith. That's where Daily Breadth comes in.

In 2018, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, which led to two years of turmoil and stress. I eventually found a treatment that worked, but the buildup of anxiety resulted in persistent panic attacks. By 2020, I was struggling with full-on agoraphobia and panic disorder. My doctor recommended meditation but as someone from a Christian background, I was initially skeptical. However, I gave it a try and was amazed at the results. I felt more regulated, calm, and relaxed, and my heart was no longer pounding as I tried to fall asleep. Simply put, meditation was bearing good fruit. I knew that this was something that could benefit other Christians as well.

At Daily Breadth, we have created a deeply Christian meditation app that takes seriously both the creation-wide restoration project of God the Creator and the psychological benefits of meditation. We believe that God is invested in the project of making all things whole, and that includes our mental health and well-being. Our app combines the power of binaural beats with the beauty of ancient Christianity and theologically rich and creative meditations. We are excited to offer a resource that can help Christians engage with God's restoration project in a way that is relevant and empowering for today's world.

Copyright © 2023 Daily Breadth. All Rights Reserved.